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Best Cure for Roofing Leaks is Prevention

Curing a disease is great but preventing it from afflicting anyone in the first place is even better. The same “prevention is the best cure” ideology applies to roofing leaks as well. By the time you notice the signs of a serious leak in your roofing, whether you own a residential home with pitched roofs or a commercial business with flat tops, significant damage has already been done throughout the structure. You really do need to stop leaks before they ever start.

Here are some easy tips to help prevent leaks from forming in your roofing:

  1. Start your routine inspections on the inside of your home. Look up in each room to check for water spots or discolorations. You need to inspect the ceilings of every story, as a leak can wind its way through the woodwork, pass one story, but start to form on the next.
  2. Investigate the condition of the trees near your home. Are any getting thick or bushy with branches? Do any parts of the trees actually extend over a part of your home? Trees must be trimmed so they do not hang any branches directly above your home. They should also be thinned out enough so that Arizona’s monsoon season gales can easily blow through them, rather than tipping them over.
  3. Any cracks, splits, or dents in your roofing, whether you use tile or foam-based sealant, need to be addressed readily. A water leak will most likely form due to typical wear and tear. It may also start to drip inside your home in a spot not directly below the roof damage.
  4. Routinely take some time to clear out gutters, drainage systems, and valleys around your roof. Too much debris can cause water to pool up instead of being redirected. Over time, a pool of water can start to wear through your roofing and spring a leak.

If you don’t have the time or ability to regularly inspect your roof for possible leaks, you should retain a roofing specialist to do it for you. Nothing is worse than seeing the significant damage a leak causes to your home and knowing that you could have done something to stop it.

Our Tucson and Phoenix roofers at Lyons Roofing are known as the “King of the Rooftops” in Arizona due to our vast experience – we have been around since 1993 – and client-focused service – we have won the Super Service Award from Angie’s List multiple times. Schedule a free leak inspection from our team today and we can tell you if you need repairs, replacements, or fresh installations. Contact us for more information.