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Holiday Lighting Safety Tips

Create a Festive Display Without the Safety Hazards

The holiday season is here, and we know that you’re looking forward to showing your enthusiasm through a carefully planned light display. Whether you prefer a simple, understated look or opt for an elaborate, show-stopping spectacular, your display will take time and effort to get exactly right, and you’ll probably end up spending a significant amount of time on your roof arranging and fine-tuning things.

Our licensed roofers want your display to be as perfect as possible, and we want you to stay safe while you’re putting it together. Using our decades of roofing experience, we’ve compiled our top 5 safety tips for the holiday season. Using these simple tricks and precautions, you can create the light display of your dreams without putting yourself, or your roof, at risk.

Our Top 5 Tips

  1. Check Your Lights Before You Climb the Ladder – You want to spend as little time walking around on your roof as possible, both for safety reasons and your own convenience. That’s why you should take the time to look over your lights before you get up on your roof. Make sure that all bulbs are functional, that there are no tangles or knots in the wiring, and that you have all the extension cords you need. If you have everything you need when you get started, you can avoid making additional trips up the ladder!
  2. Test Your Ladder – Make sure that your ladder is steady, secured, and tall enough to get you where you need to go before you step on it. The last thing you want is to feel your ladder move while you’re trying to put up your lights, so test it out to make sure it can bear your weight and stay where you need it to be.
  3. Secure Your Lights with Hooks – Your safety isn’t the only thing you need to consider when putting up your lights. Your roof is also vulnerable during the lighting process, and securing lights using nails, staples, or bolts can cause serious damage. Instead, use the specialized light hooks that can be found at just about any hardware store. These hooks are typically affordable and reusable, so you can make sure your roof is protected for years to come. Plus, it’s easier than bringing a hammer and nails up the ladder with you!
  4. Don’t Install Lights on an Unsafe Roof – If your roof is wet, steep, or covered in fallen leaves, it’s not safe for you to be walking on it. Only install lights on parts of your home that you can safely reach without putting yourself at risk. Avoid walking in sloped areas, and clear off water and debris before you start putting up your lights.
  5. Know How to Get Around on Your Roof – Walking on your roof is not as simple as it sounds. To avoid damaging shingles and losing your footing, it’s best to avoid walking directly on your roof whenever possible. If you do need to walk on your roof, make sure you’re wearing shoes with a good grip, distribute your weight evenly, and walk on the balls of your feet to minimize safety hazards. For more information about the potential risks, see this post.

Professional Lighting Services Can Help You Install Your Lights the Right Way

If you’re concerned about the potential safety risks of putting your lights up yourself, you can still have a beautiful holiday lighting display. Professional light installers are easy to find, and you may even be able to enlist the help of your trusted local roofer to get things put up safely. Trained professionals are always a great option when it comes to working in, around, or in this case on top of your home, and professional light installers will work quickly and safely to illuminate your home without damaging your roof.

No matter how you choose to install your lights, our team at Lyons Roofing wishes you a safe and happy holiday season! If you need to consult with our licensed roofers for more safety tips or ask us about potential roofing complications, you can always give us a call at (520) 447-2522 or reach out to us online!