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How to Remove Mold on Your Roof

No one likes having a mold problem, even if it’s in a place you can’t see it, like your roof. Remember, mold is not only a nasty, unattractive sight, it can also eat away at your property’s structural integrity. The last thing you would want is to have to call for unnecessary roof repair or replacement because of a mold problem. Plus, a high number of mold spores in your air is extremely bad for your health. Keep reading to learn how to remove mold on your roof here, courtesy of our licensed and certified roofers at Lyons Roofing.

5 Steps to Help You Clean Mold Off Your Roof

  1. Be Safe: It might sound obvious, but you should never climb on top of your roof unless you can do it in a safe, secure way. Ideally, you should only clean mold off your roof if you have been up there before, and know how to navigate it successfully. And of course, you’ll want to have a sturdy ladder, which you know will stay in place when getting the job done. Having a spotter on the ground isn’t a bad idea either, and even wearing protective gear like a helmet can’t hurt. Remember, there is no such thing as “too much” when it comes to roof safety.
  2. Make Sure You Have the Right Gear: Some people assume that when washing their roof, the more powerful the equipment is, the better. But even with mold, this is not necessarily the case. While you could use pressure washers to thoroughly scrub the mold away, you could also end up damaging your shingles in the process—thus negating the purpose of cleaning your roof in the first place. Instead, we recommend using a simple hose with an attached nozzle. This will allow you to direct the stream of water without risking any harm to your roof.
  3. Mix Bleach & Water: Water alone isn’t going to be the most effective tool for cleaning your roof. Instead, our professionals suggest a mixture of one part bleach and one part water, which you can then rinse away using the house. Just make sure the cleaning solution is thoroughly combined before rinsing, letting it sit about an hour before finishing the job up.
  4. Consider Purchasing Trisodium Phosphate: In some cases, where mold growth has gotten severe enough, bleach and water may not do the trick of complete removal. If you are dealing with a big mold problem on top of your house, we recommend purchasing trisodium phosphate, or TSP. An inorganic compound that produces an alkaline solution when combined with water, TSP can be extremely effective at cleaning mold and other tough-to-remove material. Generally, about one cup of TSP per gallon of water used is appropriate. Be careful, however, as high phosphate levels can be extremely dangerous. The good news is that there are other appropriate cleaning materials on the market, which is why you should…
  5. Never Hesitate to Call a Professional: The reality is that getting rid of mold on your own can be tough, which is why you should never hesitate to call a professional beforehand. A professional roofer may be able to assist you in getting the job done safely, or at least advise you on products and methods to use to ensure you can thoroughly remove all the mold from your roof (and ideally, keep it from returning in the future.)

Want more roofing tips? Just call Lyons Roofing now at (520) 447-2522. You can also fill out our contact form online.