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The Benefits of Solar Attic Fans

Attic fans are a popular option for Arizona homeowners who wish to lower the temperature of their homes, preserve their roof’s integrity, and prevent the accumulation of moisture in their attic. WhileSolar Attic Fan attic fans have traditionally been electric, solar powered attic fans have risen in popularity due to their many improvements in design and efficiency. Our Phoenix roofing company details some of the ways that solar attic fans can keep your home or business cool and safe while minimizing your carbon footprint.

  1. No cost to operate: Aside from the cost of installation, solar powered attic fans require no monthly cost to operate and are completely self-sufficient. By harnessing the power of the sun rather than tapping into your home’s electricity source, solar fans can keep your attic cool without hiking up your energy bill.
  2. Active cooling: While attic vents merely allow air to flow, solar powered fans actively pull hot air out of your attic and create a pressure difference which draws cool air inward.
  3. Simple installation: Since they do not require any electrical wiring or structural reinforcement, solar attic fans are relatively simple to install and can be fitted by a professional in as little as 30 minutes.
  4. Whisper quiet: Traditional electric attic fans can be noisy and create a noticeable hum which can disturb homeowners. Solar fans, on the other hand, operate silently and are virtually unnoticeable.
  5. Tax breaks: Like many other solar options, installing an efficient and environmentally-friendly solar attic fan in your home can make you eligible to receive a break on your annual income taxes, allowing you to go green and save some “green” at the same time.

Upgrade Your Roof with Lyons Roofing

Looking to install a solar attic fan? Look no further than the knowledgeable team of Phoenix roofing professionals at Lyons Roofing. Having been serving customers throughout Arizona since 1993, we offer a wide range of quality roof repairs and upgrades that can boost your home’s curb appeal and energy efficiency.

Dial (520) 447-2522 or complete an online form today to request an estimate!