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Two Ways to Improve Attic Ventilation

What do you use your attic for? If you’re like most homeowners, your attic is the space between the ceiling of the rooms below and the roof over your head, and is usually either empty or occupied with junk that you simply can’t store anywhere else. Your heating and air conditioning unit may also be located in your attic, but there probably isn’t much beyond that. However, what if we told you this space is arguably one of the most important in your home for the condition of your roof and the energy efficiency of your heating and cooling equipment?

Your attic actually has a massive impact on the rest of your home below. During summer, when it gets extraordinarily hot, the area in your attic also heats up, which means your air conditioner is going to have to work harder to keep you cool. However, this problem only magnifies if the heat in your attic has no place to escape. When you have poor attic ventilation, the heat only continues to build and build, leading to a sweltering pocket of boiling hot air that’s sitting right over your head.

During winter or rainy months, humidity in your attic can also be a problem. When water gets in, it needs to dry quickly in order to prevent rot and mildew. However, stagnant air can’t dry it out, and thus you are faced with issues like strange odors, mold and mildew rot, and so much more.

As you can see, attic ventilation is tremendously important, and the good news is increasing the ventilation levels doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are two things you can do to significantly improve attic ventilation and keep you more comfortable in your own home.

Install a Vent Fan

One of the reasons you might have poor attic ventilation is that warm air can’t escape. Installing a vent higher up on your roof can fix that, and attaching a fan to it can help suck the air out of your attic and pull fresh air in from down below. This cycle is what keeps your attic at a balanced temperature and lets odors humidity escape. Installing a vent fan isn’t difficult, but the trick is that if you don’t do it properly you could be causing immense damage to your roof. It’s strongly advised you contact a professional Phoenix roofer to do the job for you.

Keep Lower Vents Clear

If you look along the bottom of your attic, near where the roof meets the floor, you’ll probably notice small holes with a thin mesh grate over them. These are there for a reason: to allow fresh air to flow in from the outside and keep your attic at a balanced, ambient temperature. However, blocking up these holes with covers, insulation, or even just old junk can prevent air from getting in as it needs to and lead to improper insulation.

If you suspect you may be getting poor ventilation but have plenty of exit locations, check your lower vents to see if they’re blocked for some reason. Consider rearranging the stuff in your attic to clear space for these vents and clear away any insulation that may be blocking them as well.

For more information on improving your attic ventilation or help installing a new roof vent, call the Phoenix roofers from Lyons Roofing at (520) 447-2522 today.
